Learn 21st Century Skills

Find success in education and at work

The world is changing at a tremendous speed, and to find success you must regularly upskill yourself. Join our live online classes.

Our courses are based on OECD recommendations for learning 21st century skills.

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Why choose Aces Educational?

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We know how stressful student life can be because we too were students once. We also know that while a student's life revolves around learning, they are not taught how to learn quickly, efficiently, and effortlessly. Join our study skills, advanced academic skills, self growth and other courses to improve your learning skills and aim for higher grades in your school or college.

Courses for students


Parents are the first teachers of every child. What children learn in childhood stays with them throughout life. Lay the foundations of academic and career success during these years by joining our courses in memory techniques, writing poetry and lyrics, critical thinking et cetera. By teaching these skills at home in a fun way you are bound to give your children a head start in life.

Courses for parents


Teachers are the center of gravity in a society: you change lives, build nations and influence generations. Learn to integrate 21st century skills, higher order thinking and other important skills into everyday classroom tasks and become a more effective teacher. This is also your opportunity to get a certificate to fulfill your commitment to Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

Courses for teachers


The secret of professional success is to never stop learning. Based on the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Co-operation for Development (OECD), we have put together courses that will help you increase your work efficiency and decrease work stress. Choose what interests you or what you need, and chart your own path towards further professional success.

Courses for professionals

Success is not accidental. It needs commitment, planning and preparation.

I wasn’t interested in studies and always thought going to school was a waste of my time. Strategies learnt in Aces Educational study skills courses helped me become a confident learner. I am now ready to face academic challenges in the university.           

Vijay Vaghela

It wasn't until I left school that I discovered how interesting learning is. At Future-Learning by ACES Educational, I learned to simplify advanced learning skills and I’m teaching these to my two daughters in primary school. Children are motivated to learn when they know how to learn.           

Najma Khokar

I knew how important academic skills are for a student, but I found it difficult to teach these to my students. Thanks to Future-Ready Learning by ACES Educational, I now know how to pack multiple skills in one learning task. I have become a more effective teacher.

Sophie Adam

Two things happened during Covid-19 lockdown: I joined a course in personal development at Future-Ready Learning by ACES Educational, and I lost my job. What I learnt there helped me find a new field to work in. Now I have a new job and I am looking forward to a new career. 

Mikhail Bazian